6 Easy Ways to Prevent a Stiff Neck (Detailed Guide)

Reviewed by Betsy Sanchez
Betsy Sanchez

Betsy Sanchez is a professional graphic designer with over 10 years of experience. She loves all things tech and that's why she started writing on different topics online now here, working with us to help the audience who are looking for perfect comfort.

Ways to Prevent a Stiff Neck

A stiff neck is definitely not a good feeling. Here are some tips to make sure you don’t have to experience that feeling ever again – in one condition.

Give us a pinky promise that you’ll follow and be consistent in applying these easy and simple methods in your daily routine. Promise? Promise.

Since that’s settled, let us get into the healthy lifestyle habits that we should have been following anyways for optimum health, but we’re too lazy to imply therefore it took a serious event to make us realize that our health matters J

1. Straighten Your Posture

With the increasing usage of laptops, mobile phones, and other gadgets – our eyes, necks, and postures are suffering significantly. Now, eliminating their usage is out of the question given that they’re the need of time. However, we can take small steps to make sure that these devices don’t impact our health, at least.

If you spend most of your time by your laptop or computer, try to place the screen up to your eye level, in turn creating straighter back posture.

Hack your way through that if it cannot happen naturally. Meaning, place thick books, or boxes at the bottom of your device to make it reach your concerned position.

Smartphones, due to their extremely mobile nature, may cause you a little bit more difficulty in sticking with a constant position. However, they also apply the same criteria – screen up to the eye level. Fold your knees up with your head on the headrest, when you’re seated on the bed. Or use a ring holder at the back of your phone to provide a steadier grip, especially when you’re using your phone on the go. It will allow you to operate it at eye level without fearing dropping the device.

Alas, I realize how true is the statement that our mums always said – 90% of problems really are due to that damn phone.

5 Reasons Why Do You Have Neck and Shoulder Pain While Working at Computer

2. Stretch, Please

I insist upon this!

Stretching really is THE solution to a lot of physiological, and psychological problems as well. It helps lose the stiffness of the body, making it more relaxed and flexible over time.

Do not sit in the same position for longer than 30 to 45 minutes. Get up from time to time, stroll around your space, and do some quick stretches for an instant energy boost.

3. Invest in Furniture & Accessories

Another main reason for our stiff necks and overworked backs is our furniture choices.

In this futuristic era, everything is made or built keeping the human necessities and lifestyle in mind. So is the furniture which is popularly known as “ergonomic furniture”.

The ergonomic chairs crafted for neck pain, tables, and accessories are built to cater to the intricacies of the human body. Ergonomic chairs aid in dividing stress throughout the body, while accessories such as lumbar pillows, and neck pillows allow help to keep an upright posture.

They might vary in price depending on the source of purchase. Nevertheless, they are a worthy investment that will provide your body the much-needed comfort.

4. Adjust Your Sleeping Position

Who knew that sleep – which is meant to heal and release our stress and pains – will contribute to the pain in question, tsk.

A healthy sleeping position to prevent a stiff neck is the one in which both your back and neck are in alignment, that is, in a straight line.

Practice sleeping in a neutral position on your back with your head facing upwards. The pillow should be not too high nor too low, placed in a way that it supports the neck too. In case it doesn’t provide enough support for both the head and neck, consider placing another pillow below the neck to ensure that it comfortably stays straight.

Another good position to sleep in is on your side. However, it should keep the rules in mind – neck, and spine in alignment. To do so, let your head face the side and not the feet. Use a pillow on the sides or below your arm for added support.

5. Divide Weight on Both Shoulders

This point is especially for all the students out there: DO NOT carry your bags on one shoulder alone.

Please, do your present – and more importantly the future self – a favor by holding your bags righteously. Not only students, but anyone who carries a heavy load on their backs regularly, make sure that you divide the load equally between two shoulders.

This division is necessary to prevent one side of your body from undergoing major stress and stiffness.

No more wearing the laden bag with one strap.

6. Drive Mindfully

Another popular ritual that can have a huge impact on your neck and back health: driving.

Many people don’t realize this, but the majority of us may be driving at a weird, and unhealthy angle.

A healthy driving position is one where the back does not get curved forward. The arms should happily reach the steering wheel without any stress on the elbows. The seat should not be too backward or low either.

So, the next time you plan to drive, set out 5 minutes earlier to adjust your seating angles and positions. Maybe grab a pillow to place below your back. Extra care hurts nobody.


As you may have read above, the secret to a pain-free, and flexible neck isn’t that complicated. It only takes a few precautions and lifestyle changes to enable a long-term health benefit. Never feel shy in implementing them in public, or taking care of yourself in that matter just because of a few judgmental looks.